Dorsey Speedway Champions
Year Modified 1951 No Champion
1952 Pee Wee Pobletts
1953 Ed Lindsey
1954 Ray Kable
Strictly Stock
1955 Ralph Smith Jack Lauterbach
1956 Pee Wee Pobletts Jack Lauterbach
1957 Bud Thiele
1958 Joe Owens
1959 Bud Thiele
Ray Kable
1960 Bobby Tester Charlie Sutton
1961 Bobby Tester Rick Jones
1962 Danie Ferguson Will Dilks
1963 Bobby Tester John Mayola
1964 Bobby Ballentine Pee Wee Elbin
1965 Bobby Able
Late Model
1966 Bobby Able Charlie Wierman
1967 Bobby Allen Denzil Dillman
1968 Bud Thiele
Vic Lewis
1969 Denzil Dillman
1970 Vic Lewis
1971 Claude Dilks
1972 Denzil Dillman
1973 Claude Dilks
1974 Will Dilks
1975 Rick Jones
1976 Rick Jones
1977 Rick Jones
Street Stock
1978 Will Dilks Dale Beitli
1979 Will Dilks Stacy Schaeffer
1980 Will Dilks Mike Hentschel
1981 Denny Miles Barry Cook
Limited Late Model
1982 Dave Martin Ralph Elhers
1983 Jimmy Wilson Will Dilks Gene Diehl
1984 Jimmy Wilson Pete Cameron Tim Hopkins
1985 Corky Nelson Ray Kable Jr. Tony Masiello
NASCAR Sportsman
1954 Johnny Roberts
1952 Point Standings Free State Stock Car Racing Assn.
1. Pee Wee Pobletts
2. Ray Kable
3. Ed Lindsey
4. Bob Whay
5. Ralph Smith
6. Roland Christopher
7. Elmo Langley
8. Jerry Banks
9. Pete Kantorski
10. Roy Coghill
11. Carl Henderson
12. Joe Owens
13. Chuck Foley
14. Barney Ross
15. Earl Cook
16. Bob Smith
17. Hoss Kagle
18. Don Johannas
19. Buster Coggins
20. Reds Fowler
21. Bob Thomas
22.. Tom Crisler
23.. Scotty Smith
24. Russ Heath
25. Jack Lauterbach
26. Ernie Mellena
27. George Bopst
28. Joe Haas
29. Leo Vierkorn
30. Vernon Kirk
31. Bob Welsh
32. Hal Starkey
33. John Fernandez
34. Mickey Sauter
35. John Martin
36. Preston Welsh
37. Dave Powell
38. Bill Prunier
39. Emil Sable
40. Cliff Hoover
41. Stan Zelick
42. Larry Starr
43. Ralph Coletti
44. Pete Peters
45. Bob Ballentine
46. Carl Lehman
47. Hank Trice
48. William Schaper Jr.
49. Bill Funaii
50. Al Cunningham
51. Peanut Smith
52. Coon File
53. Marvin Richardson
54. Norris Reed
55. Chuck Wilson
56. N. Ellingsworth
57. Johnny Dodd
58. C. C. Mills
59. Johnny Roberts
60. Bill Meyers
61. Joe Hable
62. Walt Regan
63. Ed Barton
64. Sherwood Kennys
65. J. Wason
66. Stan Snyder
67. Bill Shipe
68. Danny Woolford
69. Guy Wallace
70. Ted Haulfield
71. Bob Tice
72. John Paul Jones
73. W. Martindale
74. Doug Carter
75. C. Poore
76. Fred Jones
77. Chas. Dorsey
78. Dave Williams
79. Gil West
80. Paul Knapp
81. Norman Rose
82. Ed Williams
83. Bill Morgan
84. Bucky Guilfoy
85. Danny Dove
86. Tex Van
87. Gene Holcomb
88. Tom Horsey
89. Dave Lewis
90. Ed Brannon
91. Bill O'Dell
92. J. Reed
93. R. Sweeney
94. Bill Newman
95. Ed Wheeler
96. Bill Gross
97. Ted Merkle
98. Ray Byers
99. Hoppin' Home
100. Bob Tester
1. Ed Lindsey
2. Ralph Smith
3. Pete Kantorsky
4. Ray Kable
5. Carl Henderson
6. Roy Coghill
7. Dick Marr
8. Pee Wee Pobletts
9. Joe Haas
10. Bob Thomas
11. Joe Owens
12. Don Johannas
13. Jack Lauterbach
14. Carl Maisel
15. Pete Peters
16. Ernie Mellena
17. Earl Cook
18. Jimmy Rhoades
19. Barney Ross
20. Dan Ferguson
21. Paul Knapp
22. Bob Ballentine
23. Scotty Smith
24. George Heffner
25. Butch Ryan
26. Larry Starr
27. George Bopst
28. Gene Holcomb
29. Cliff Hoover
30. Bill Prunier
31. Walt Schroader
32. Bud Thiele
33. Walt Ragan
34. Bill Jones
35. Reds Fowler
36. Bill Myers
37. Bill Lone
38. Roland Christopher
39. Bill Dove
40. Bob Rusk
41. Fred Jones
42. Doug Carter
43. Don roberts
44. John Dodd Jr.
45. Jim Ross
46. Bob Jeffries
47. Ed Ninguard
48. Jake Twilley
49. Mack Hanbury
50. Dave Williams
1953 Feature Winners
4/17 Elmo Langley 7/17 Reds Kagle
4/21 Ed Lindsay 7/18 Ed Lindsay
5/1 Ralph smith 7/21 Ralph smith
5/8 Ray Kable 7/25 Hoss Kagle
5/15 Pee Wee Poblette 7/31 Bill Morgan
5/22 Roy Coghill 8/1 Ralph Smith
5/29 Ralph Smith 8/8 Ray Kable
6/5 Ed Lindsay 8/14 Ray Kable
6/12 Walt Ragan 8/21 Ray Kable
6/19 Ralph Smith 8/28 Ed Lindsay
6/26 Ralph Smith 9/4 Sam Hash
7/3 Pete Peters 9/18 Glen Guthrie
7/10 Scotty Smith 10/2 Ray Kable
1. Ralph Smith
2. Pee Wee Pobletts
3. Pete Kantorsky
4. Eddie Anders
5. Glen Guthrie
6. Don Johannas
7. Carl Henderson
8. Ray Kable
9. Dean Pelton
10. Dick Marr
11. Lou Thomas
12. Johnny Stevens
13. Joe Owens
14. Bill Hubbard
15. Ed Bridges
16. Ed Lindsey
17. Bill Jones
18. Marvin Gross
19. Emile Sable
20. Buck McCardell
21. Jerry Cunningham
22. Mike Gallagher
23. Bob Welsh
24. Bobby Ballentine
25. Red Reaves
26. Ed Ningard
27. Roy Coghill
28. Billie Loan
29. Moe Harden
30. Bob Thomas
31. Jim Ross
32. Butch Ryan
33. Jimmy Patterson
34. Ed Williams
35. Ed Slusher
36. Pete Peters
37. Tom Bowers
38. Joe Sterling
39. Jerry Klohr
40. C. Campbell
41. Harvey Henderson
42. Jr. Grough
43. F. Lum
44. Jim Hurtubise
45. Press Ferguson
46. Johnny Cramblitt
47. Reds Mathew
48. Bill Gross
49. Vernon Vermillion
1955 Feature Winners-Modified- Unfortunately I do not have the dates
Ralph Smith Bobby Ballentine
Johnny Stevens Jack Lauterbach
Roy Coghill Ed Ningard
Pete Kantorsky Buck McCardell
Jim Patterson Billy Festerman
Fred Jones Ray Kable
Glen Guthrie Pee Wee Pobletts
Dick Marr Ed Slusher
Lou Thomas Tom Bowers
Buddy Theile Dick Ensheats
Strictly Stock
1. Jack Lauterbach
2. Roy Coghill
3. Ed Ningard
4. R. McBee
5. Tom Bowers
6. Buddy Thiele
7. Joe Owens
8. Danny Ferguson
9. Dick Marr
10. Bill Festerman
11. Warren Tucker
12. Jimmy Rhoades
13. Denzel Dillman
14. Wally Schroeder
15. Dale Smith
16. Teddy Miller
17. Ed Williams
18. Jim ross
19. Calvin Ray
20. Rich Schmelyun
21. Fred Rohrer
22. Ralph smith
23. Tom Campbell
24. Bob Burke
25. Dean Felton
26. Joe Sterling
27. Kirby Smith
28. Emment Steve
29. T. Barber
30. Bob Thomas
31. W. Wadner
32. Jim Harnish
33. Jacl Keeney
34. Vic Lewis
35. Press Ferguson
36. Bill Stevens
37. Pee Wee Pobletts
38. Chas. Sutton
39. Dale Ashwell
40. Al Warr
41. Wm. Churchey
42. James Teague
43. Lem Imhoff
44. Bill Jones
45. Cliff Hoover
46. Jim Mc Grady
47. H. Kelly
48. Sid Pyle
49. Marvin Gross
50. Dinsmore
Late Models
1. Claude Dilks
2. Ray Grant
3. Will Dilks
4. Leonard Miller
5. Pete Kantorsky
6. Ed Canupp
7. Tom Wagner
8. Rick Jones
9. Jim Butler
10. Don Norfolk
11. Butch Barkey
12. Denzell Dillman
13. Harold Vanderlip
14. Ray Fanning
15. Ron Rowles
Figure 8
1. Jack Barass
2. Andy Anderson
3. Jerry Thomas
4. Tom Crummit
5. Ken Storm
6. Bill Brown
7. Scott Robbins
8. Bud Walker
9. Jack Branch
10. Paul Bremer
11. Walt Cullem
12. Bill Aisquith
13. Sonny Eaton
14. Charlie Weaver
15. Jim Stauffer
Late Model
1. Will Dilks
2. Claude Dilks
3. Rick Jones
4. Gil Clemens
5. Vic Lewis
6. L. Miller
7. John McBurnette
8. Little Hutch
9. Ed Canupp
10. Pete Kantorsky
11. Ralph Ehlers
12. Ray Grant
13. Butch Barkey
14. Ronnie Miles
15. John Broussard
Figure 8
1. Jack Barass
2. Bud Walker
3. Walt Clemens
4. Walt Cullem
5. George Kopchak
6. Charles Weaver
7. Jerry Thomas
8. Tom Crummitt
9. Scott Robbins
10. Ken Storm
11. Jack Branch
12. Bill Hynes
13. Jim Staffer
15. Big Ed Dietrich
Late Model
1. Rick Jones
2. Will Dilks
2. Leonard Miller
3. Ronnie Miles
4. Gil Clements
5. Ed Canupp
6. Ralph Ehlers
7. Claude Dilks
8. John McBurnette
9. Don Norfolk
10. Butch Barkey
Figure 8
1. Bud Walker
2. Walt Cullum
3. Scott Robbins
4. Jack Barrass
5. Tom Crummit
6. George Crummitt
7. George Kopchak
8. Bill Hynes
9. Bill Brown
10. Jerry Thomas
Late Model
1. Rick Jones
2. Ralph Ehlers
3. Bill Hynes
4. Jack Barras
5. Ed Drury
6. Don Norfolk
7. Scott Robbins
8. Jesse Wolford
9. Butch Barkey
10. George Kopchak
11. Ed Dietrich
12. Larry Stahl
13. Dick Taylor
Figure 8
1. Willis Stafford
2. George Kopchak
3. Tom Crummitt
4. Walt Cullum
5. Sonny Eaton
6. Fred Krickbaum
7. John McBurnette
8. Bruce Sevison
9. Jim Stauffer
10. Ed Sutton
Late Model
1. Will Dilks
2. Rick Jones
3. Jack Barrass
4. Ralph Ehlers
5. Ed Dietrich
6. Jesse Wolford
7. Bill Hynes
8. Don Norfolk
9. Larry Stahl
10. Rick Speciale
11. Ed Canupp
12. Duane Lowrey
13. George Kopchak
14. Everett Hoxter
15. Claude Dilks
16. Butch Barke
17. Will Hutchinson
18. John Hood
19. Scott Robbins
20. Tex Erskine
21. Bill Stasley
22. Ed Drury
23. Jim Buckingham
24. Mike Ayres
25. Francis Dilworth
26. Kenneth Grinnell
27. Frank Erskine
28. Lloyd Whalen
29. Jim Stauffer
30. George Chasson
31. Ben Lee
32. Bill Rapp
33. Frank Walls
34. Bill Brown
35. Jerry Wilcoxen
35. Roy Deese
36. Jim Gardner
37. Clay Wild
38. Bex Kennard
39. Rocky Demarr
Figure 8
1. Willis Stafford
2. George Kopchak
3. Ed Sutton
4. Fred Krickbaum
5. Tom Crummitt
6. Walt Cullum
7. John McBurnette
8. Butch Hines
9. Dave Kerr
10. Sonny Eaton
11. Bud Koch
12. Scott Robbins
13. Ron Cummings
14. Bill Aisquith
15. Luke Miller
16. Dick Carozza
17. Bruce Sevison
18. Gary Collins
19. Howard Breeden
20. Jack Barrass
21. Jay Rimel
22. John Stewart
23. Ken Gast
24. S. Vollerhausen
25. T J Plogger
26. Jim Gardner
27. Joe Griffith
28. Red Twigg
29. Milford Purdham
30. Edward Ptacek
31. Rroger Nichol
32. Darwin Kinser
33. Dave Pierce
34. Jim Isner
Late Models
1. Pete Cameron
2. Jimmy skinner
3. George Kopchak
4. Larry Stahl
5. Ralph Ehlers
6. Rick Jones
7. Ray Grant
8. Creed Calton
9. Ray Kable Jr.
10. Jack Barrass
Limited Late Models\
1. Jim Wilson
2. Tom Lewis
3. Corky Nelson
4. John Broussard
5. Francis Yates
6. Bobby Linton
7. Bob Bury
8. Paul Corsey
9. Kirk Evans
10. John Rhodes
Figure Eight
1. Willis Stafford
2. Walt Cullum
3. Fred Krickbaum
4. Luke Miller
5. Randy Holden
6. Jim Gardner
7. Milford Purdham
8. Joe Shoemaker
9. Don Breach
10. Rick Taylor
Street Stocks
1. Tim Hopkins
2. James Rader
3. Ida Dietrich
4. Dale Childers
5. Ed Williams
6. Mark Linton
7. Rick Wines
8. Donna Bouchat
9. Hal Hopkins
10. Phil Campell
They raced at Dorsey:
Ralph Smith-Aberdeen, Md
Pee Wee Pobletts-Randlestown, Md
Pete Kantorsky-Essex, Md
Eddie Anders
Glen Guthrie-Silver Spring, Md
Don Johannas
Carl Henderson
Ray Kable-Reisterstown, Md
Dean Pelton-Silver Spring, Md
Dick Marr
Lou Thomas-Linthicum, Md
Johnny Stevens
Joe Owens-Dorsey, Md
Bill Hubbard
Ed Bridges
Ed Lindsey-Randlestown, Md
Bill Jones
Marvin Gross
Emile Sable
Buck McCardell-Conowingo, Md
Jerry Cuningham
Mike Gallagher
Bob Welsh
Bobby Ballentine-Dorsey, Md
Red Reaves
Ed Ningard
Roy Coghill
Bill Lone
Moe Harden
Bob Thomas
Jim Ross
Butch Ryan
Jimmy Petterson
Ed Williams
Ed Slusher
Pete Peters
Tom Bowers
Joe Sterling
Jerry Klohr
C. Campbell
Harvey Henderson
Jr. Gough
F. Lum
Jim Hurtubise
Press Ferguson
Johnny Cramblitt
Reds Mathew
Bill Gross
Vernon Vermillion
Fritz Megenhart
Paul Knapp
Joe Haas
Joseph Kvech
Leo Kemmer
Jimmy Rhoades
Bobby Davis
Thomas Guifford
Jack Lauterbach
Mike Bold
Ernie Mellena
William Schopp
Jack Hood
Buddy Thiele-Arbutus, Md
Donald Spatz
Jerry Banks
George Heffner
Harry Leo Walker
John Ningard
Jim Smith
George Bopst
Eddie Adams
Barney Ross
Bruce Kamber
Don Kole
Carl Maisel
Thomas Bower
Roland Christopher
Harold Mentzel, Jr
Bob Thomas
Dean Felton
Fred Jones
Buddy Saffield
Russ Heath
Bob Mundorf
Ralph Kagle-Lanham, Md
James E. Floyd
Pete Watson
Danie Ferguson
Jack Reed
Elmo Langley
Bill Hubbard
John H. Bright
Francis Frey
Ralph Onstead
Charles Van Brunt
Bill Myers
Cliff Hoover
Hoss Kagle-Lanham, Md
Carl Henderson
Charles Wilson
William Schaper Jr
Bob Whay-Brooklyn, Md
Buster Coggins
Dick Tucker
John Paul Jones
Allton Akers
Ronnie Cranston
Johnny Roberts-Brooklyn Park, Md
Frankie Schnieder-Lambertville, NJ
Ken Marriott-Baltimore, Md
Denzil Dillman-Millersville, Md
Bob Tester-Severn, Md
Ernie Tester-Baltimore, Md
Bill Lone Jr.
Bobby Abel
Bobby Hersh
Bud Folkenroth
Ace Canupp-Elvaton, Md
Bobby Myers
Kenny Weld
Bobby Allen-Hanover, Pa
Rick Schmelyun
Reuben Mcbee
Vic Lewis
Neil Haight
Chuck Talbert-Randlestown, Md
Junior Tauber-Linthicum, Md
Bucky Guilfoy
Ron Garland-Harve De Grace, Md
These is the driver roster for Dorsey's final year, 1985:
Late Model Limited Figure 8 Street Stock
Creed Calton Steve Hoover Jim Jarvis Creed Calton Jr
Ronnie McBee Fred Baker Mike Fultz Chris West
George Woodward John Broussard George Chasson Dave Beechling
Craig Lingon Mark Githrie Willie Stafford Jim Webb
Ed Canupp Barry Cook Bob Shafer Jr Tim Hopkins
Tom Amberman Bobby Tharp Larry Mathews Art Duffield
Ray Grant John Rhodes Milford Purdham Joe Scaggs
Ronnie Miles Jack Weatherly Ron Conning Tim Showerer
Jim McBee Jr. Lathroum Vic Doster Ed Kutcha
Dave Harris David Miller Henry Ott Harold Williams
Vernon Harris Bill Vacek Tom Elberts Ray Bly
Phil Lang Butch Kaminski Don Breach Walt Lemmon
Ralph Ehlers Scott Robbins Luke Miller Mark Linton
Dale Beitler Bobby Linton Randy Holden Pop Jenkins
Donna Bouchat Jim Wilson Jim Shinn Rick Holsen
Rick Taylor Pee Wee Elbin Ted Dickson John Woods
Larry Stahl Mike Rogers Joe Shoemaker Jr Rusty Amos
George Kopchak Paul Cursey Walt Cullum Don Chalk
Jimmy Skinner John Lacey Jim Gardner Jim Elben
Mike Remiekas Bob Bury Joe Knott
Gary Stuhler Barry Lear Jr. Jenkins
Mike Hentschel Corky Nelson John White
Jack Barrass Dale Smith Kenneth Leslie
Ed Dietrich John Smith Harold Summers
Pete Cameron Francis Yates Hal Hopkins
Ed Williams George Lourdon Chuck Brodell
Butch Kable Tim Booth John Calton III
Gary Phelps Clarence Guthrie Ray Davis
Roy Deese Jr John Huber
Roland Cox Mike Grahm
Rick Jones Gary Collins
Ed Drury John Sellner
Aaron Diehl
Gary Garret
Bernie Koontz
Craig Ruppert
Ken Murvin
Dale Childers
Billy Farmer
Guy Diehl
Rick Wines
Eugene Conlee
Tony Maisello
Jim Byrd
Cathy Dilks
Bill Stivers
I have a long way to go. Stay tuned.
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